My English Poem On Emotions Of A Student studying in a boarding School- "A Child's Note"

Though my mouth is tiny winy,
But my words will not be same,
O lord! Give me some power,
Feeling here as if I am person lame...

In the name of my future,
You chucked my childhood far away,
Though my shell has become tough,
My inner self is still wet-clay...

I've been treated like a robot,
Given no freedom to enjoy my way,
Yes I laugh too often here,
Just to suppress my tears all day...

It's been to me a prettified jail,
A fast track highway touching deep dale,
All I can send from here to you,
My tears, my feelings by posting a mail...

From the purest string of all relations,
You never produced melodious music,
Instead you produced fake self-esteem,
Only to fulfill your own-sown dream...

All I wait for the month of may,
Summer holidays- all they say,
The actual time when my dreams come true,
After prolonged patience and pray...

With you I want to spend a day,
With your parenting- I want to play,
Let me explore the land near you,
Let me discover my internal gay...

No punishment is so severe,
But to stay away from home,
No more torture I could bear,
I need you- Dad & Mom...

One day your seed will become a fruit,
After all you gave it a fertilizer-like treat,
But have you ever wondered- my dear parents,
This fruit would then be bitter or sweet?
- Monu Awalla

My English Poem On Monsoon- "Romantic Rain"

The rain is falling,
And the clock is striking noon,
The ambiance is cool and dark,
As if time to come out for moon...

Me as a loner here,
Writing a poem for you,
With feelings of being apart,
Geographically- but not from you...

The sound of falling water,
Producing music that soothes and calms,
In my heart's ears,
It rang as romantic alarms...

Just a thought of you,
Gives me a high,
To overcome my nightmares,
To give me a relief-sigh...

Coming closer to you day by day,
Where each day makes my life,
Let's make a wondrous world,
With no room left to strife...

The day will come,
when you will be mine-
Sooner or later,
It's already been divined...

-Monu Awalla
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